Mugwort- Artemisia vulgaris

Mugwort- Artemisia vulgaris


This perennial will grow in a wide range of soil conditions. Mugwort is a spreader and will self seed so give it a border. Grows 3- 4 ft tall and should be spaced 2 ft apart. Mugwort is used to make a dream inducing oil and used to make Moxa is Traditional Chinese Medicine. An ancient protector plant with a big spirit and a magical addition to your herb garden!

Comes in a 2.5 inch pot

Plants are for pick up only. Pick up dates are April 13th & 20th. Choose your date at checkout. Pick up location is at Indie South, 470 Hawthorne Ave in Athens

We will email a pick-up reminder one week prior.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you and happy gardening!

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