Mimosa love

You know the expression “summertime sadness?” That heaviness that we sometimes experience when the sunshine feels too fierce or maybe sheds light somewhere that we aren't yet ready to look? It’s as if we should be in the cheeriest time of our year and yet we feel the weight of our sadness and grief all that much more. 

But then a drive to the market or a walk around town has a sweet surprise waiting for us - a mimosa tree in bloom. The soft, whimsical fairy-like flowers invite us in, away from our sadness and grief and into her magic. It is a place where we can release the fear and worry of our day. The energy of a mimosa flower clears our mind, lifting us up into a more peaceful perspective, and energy that leaves us feeling as though we are drifting around on a cloud, over and above the things that would trouble us. 

And what is the fiber that holds together the substance of this tree? The bark of course. Understated and plain seeming, as so many grounding forces can be, the bark offers its wisdom and safety, creating space in your heart for your grief to move and release, almost like a seed opening up and growing upward, creating new beauty from its former shell. The energy of the bark stretches our hearts, much as it stretches and expands to encompass the growing tree, offering a container inside of which we can dig our our deepest sorrows. 

So look to mimosa when your heart is stubborn in grief and your head is downcast - really look at her! For half of the medicine is in the beauty of the plant and the way that they pass through this realm with us.

Dana Nivens